11:29 AM

Artificial Intelligence I part

God Create A Man. Man Create a Machine.
Man Think Machines are Slave to us.
But Machines are Slave Theirs.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is a combination of computer science, physiology, and philosophy. AI is a broad topic, consisting of different fields, from machine vision to expert systems. The element that the fields of AI have in common is the creation of machines that can "think".
"The Seventh Sense Creat to Machines or Robots on behalf of Man"
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study of how to make computers and robotic machines do things that at the moment people do better.
  • “AI is a set of computer programs that produce outputs that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it were generated by human”
  • “AI is the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer, this view is called strong AI”.
  • “AI is the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer, this view is called Weak AI
In order to classify machines as "thinking", it is necessary to define intelligence. To what degree does intelligence consist of, for example, solving complex problems, or making generalizations and relationships? And what about perception and comprehension? Research into the areas of learning, of language, and of sensory perception have aided scientists in building intelligent machines. One of the most challenging approaches facing experts is building systems that mimic the behavior of the human brain, made up of billions of neurons, and arguably the most complex matter in the universe. Perhaps the best way to gauge the intelligence of a machine is British computer scientist Alan Turing's test. He stated that a computer would deserves to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.
AI Programming
Basically the AI programming is divided in to four steps. That are, · Input. · Processing. · Learning. · Output. Input: Input process is done through five basic processes like we, humans do. That are, Sight: One-dimensional linear symbols such as typed text, two dimensional objects such as
planner maps, three dimensional scenes such as images of objects. Sound: Spoken language, music, noises made by objects. Touch: Temperature, smoothness, resistance to pressure. Smell: Odours emanating from animate foodstuffs and inanimate objects. Taste: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter food taste and other chemicals. Processing: Knowledge representation and pattern matching: The way concepts about the world is
represented, organized and compared. Search: The way the representation of concepts are found and related to one another. Logic: The way deduction are made and inferences drawn. Problem solving: The way an overall approach is planned organized and executed. Learning: The way new concepts are automatically added and previous concepts revised. Output: Printed language and synthesized speech. Manipulation of physical objects via rotation and translation. Location (one, tow three dimensional movement in space.). Here the word “space” may refer to any location in atmosphere, in vacuum, underground, under water or in hazardous environments.